24 OF MAY – 12 JULY 2018

The gallery is pleased to present from Thursday, May 24, an exhibition by Charles Maussion. This exhibition is dedicated to the last period of the artist where, after his work on the shadow and the light, his painting reaches a stripping, a simplicity, an asceticism. Since 1994, with successive series he entitled FlowerBirdMountain, it is not the subject as such that matters to him, but the feeling that springs up. From then on, the importance of the line in the space of the canvas becomes essential.

Charles Maussion (1923-2010), whose work is widely represented at the Sainsbury Foundation in Norwich, was in the early 50's part of a group of young artists, supported by the Arnaud Gallery, who were looking for a personal path in an art close to mathematics and music. Then, in the 60s, Maussion exhibited at Iris Clert, Lucien Durand, Jacques Dubourg and later at Jan Krugier. Then, he observed a long period of decline before undertaking, in 1994, a path in an ever greater economy of means.

A collection of texts on Charles Maussion (Gérard Barrière, Pierre Bergounioux ...) will be published in May by Editions William Blake.



Charles Maussion, Untitled, 2003. Tempera on canvas. 170 x 230 cm
Charles Maussion, Sans titre - Montagne. 2004. Tempera on canvas. 73 x 200 cm
Charles Maussion, Untitled, 2007-08. Egg painting on canvas. 32 x 15 cm.
Charles Maussion's exhibition vue
Charles Maussion's exhibition vue
Charles Maussion's exhibition vue
Charles Maussion, Sans titre, 2003. Peinture à l'oeuf sur toile. 170 x 230 cm
Charles Maussion, Sans titre - Montagne. Peinture à l'oeuf sur toile. 2004. 73 x 200 cm
Charles Maussion, Sans titre, 2007-08. Peinture à l’œuf sur toile. 32 x 15 cm.
Charles Maussion, vue d'exposition
Charles Maussion, vue d'exposition
Charles Maussion, vue d'exposition
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